Given the rapid spread of COVID-19 throughout the country, and the lack of a suitable cure or vaccine to fight the pandemic, our safest option is to practice social distancing. However, curbing human interaction has caused several businesses to falter. One such business is real estate, which thrives on personal interactions.
For years, realtors have been meeting with clients to show houses or assess them. But, with the urgent need to avoid socializing and interacting with people, real estate agents have been forced to either look for alternative options to assist their clients or shut down. If you don’t want to experience the latter, Sutton Group Showplace Realty has a few solutions for you.
We have taken three of the most common challenges you are likely to face during this pandemic and have put forward relevant and easy to achieve solutions.
1. How to deal with social distancing when doing business?
Prepare virtual tours for all of the listings you have, and be open to doing video tours on a one on one basis. You should add all virtual tour links to your MLS (Multiple Listing Service) listings, so buyers can get a better idea before they inquire about any specific viewing. Use social media tools as well, for example, Facebook Messenger, Facetime, or Google Duo Screen Sharing, if you need to do a live tour.
2. How to interact with the seller, the buyer, and the buyer’s agent during this pandemic?
If the seller still occupies the listing, they could be the one showing the house over video. You, as the listing agent, could be available on a messaging service to communicate between the buyer, buyer’s agent, and seller. You could set up a video conference call as well for better communication through many major social media platforms. If the listed property is vacant, you, as the seller’s agent, should be at the property to do the virtual tour specifically targeting the interested party. In that way, you could respond more specifically and professionally.
3. How to work with buyers during this pandemic, if you are not the listing agent?
Based on the criteria indicated by the buyer, you could select an excellent profile of properties for them to view online. If there is a virtual tour link already, then it will give the buyer more ideas about the property. In case there is no virtual tour on MLS, and if the client is still interested after viewing the photos of the properties, you should talk to the listing agent to send you a property video, as it is a great way to show the property nowadays. In the end, if the buyer still wants to view the property, for safety reasons, keep the group as small as possible, and make sure to maintain social distance. Or people could make an offer subject to viewing, but it all depends on how serious the buyer is.
For real estate tips and hacks, reach out to the experts at Sutton Group Showplace Realty. We are a real estate company in the Vancouver area and Chilliwack area, BC, and we’ve been in business for over thirty years. Through the years, we have altered the course of real estate by developing highly personalized relationships between realtors and their clients. Our system helps realtors to deliver consumer-driven services, control costs, and indulge in creative business freedom.
To learn more about our services and how we can help you, please visit our website or get in touch with our experts here.